Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hello to the Blogging World!

So today is my first post to my cooking blog. Still working out some kinks in the name and the design but I decided why not go ahead and start letting people know my intentions of this blog. With the name of it I'm sure it gives away some of my intent, but I do love to cook, I love pretty much everything about it except for the cleaning up part (but really who does). I have so many cook books, my husband would probably agree that it's a little out of control, sorry Ryan...

My intentions are to share with you what I'm cooking in my own kitchen, ask you what you're cooking and if you have any advice to make what I'm making better, and hopefully in the end it will motivate me to break away from the recipes; don't get me wrong I love using recipes, why because they are generally safe and I know what my outcome is going to be. But whenever you're cooking on your own there are so many outcomes that could come about and I want to explore those outcomes and perfect them.

Even if no one is interested in this particular blog it will give me something to do with all my thoughts about cooking and all the joy it brings to my life!

So here we go!!

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